354003 Russian Federation, Sochi, Plastunskaya st, 94, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +7 862 2682949

Faculty of Innovative, Engineering and Digital Technologies


Address: Office 307, 7 Politekhnicheskaya St, Sochi, 354008,

Telephone: (862) 253-08-25,

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Bachelor Programs











Applied IT




Landscape Architecture










Master Programs






Applied IT






Postgraduate Programs



Hydrotechnical Construction, Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology




Arts (Technical Aesthetics and Design)



Russian Language courses

Russian language preparatory courses are attended by foreign citizens who wish to continue their studies at SSU in Russian as undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates.
The educational process is carried out by qualified teachers of the Russian language. The lessons use textbooks and educational materials prepared specifically for foreign students. There is an office equipped with video systems for watching educational and feature films.
The training is conducted in groups of 2, 3-5, 6-9 people, depending on the group set.
The training of students of preparatory courses is carried out on a contractual basis.

The tuition fee for the 2022-2023 academic year is:
1. The program called “Russian as a foreign language” – 162,000 rubles for 1 student.
The training period is from 03.10.2023 to 25.07.2024. The training is carried out full-time.
2. Preparatory courses for foreign students – 162,000 rubles for 1 student. The training is carried out full-time (1008 hours). The training is carried out according to the following profiles: economic profile, biomedical profile, engineering, technical and technological profile, humanitarian profile, natural science profile.
The training period is from 03.10.2023 to 25.07.2024
3. Russian language online courses (remotely).
3.1. Russian as a foreign language.
Number of hours The cost of training
per 1 listener Number of weeks
10 11000 rubles 1
20 21000 rubles 2
40 41000 rubles 4
60 61000 rubles 6
80 81000 rubles 8
120 121000 rubles 12

The courses are addressed to students who have not previously studied Russian (A1 level).

Start of training - October 5, 2023
Deadline for applying for courses - October 1, 2023
Start of training - February 1, 2024

Russian Language Winter School in Sochi (full-time)
- The course is intended for students who want to improve their Russian language skills sufficient for communication.
- The duration of the course is 40 hours for 2 weeks (20 hours per week).
- The cost of training is determined after the group is recruited and is:
1 person – 60,000 rubles.
2 people - 35,000 rubles.
A group of up to 5 people – 30,000 rubles.
A group of up to 9 people – 15,000 rubles.
A group of up to 15 people – 7,500 rubles.

Start of training - January 11, 2024
Deadline for applying for courses - November 1, 2023

Russian Language Summer School in Sochi (full-time)
- The course is intended for students who want to improve Russian language skills sufficient for communication.
- The duration of the course is 40 hours for 2 weeks (20 hours per week).
- The cost of training is determined after the group is recruited and is:
A group of up to 5 people – 32,000 rubles.
A group of up to 9 people – 16,000 rubles.
Start of training - July 4, 2023
Deadline for applying for courses - May 1, 2023

Individual Russian language courses are available on request.
The tuition fee includes only fees for education itself and does not include living expenses, student insurance, as well as various government fees and charges related to migration registration, processing and extension of visas.
Accommodation in a dormitory for the duration of the course depends on the availability of rooms. Accommodation in the dormitory is paid, the amount of payment is not included in the tuition fee.
Classes missed by a student or falling on the days of Russian national holidays are not replenished.
Upon completion of the courses, a Certificate of completion of the courses of the established sample is issued.

The procedure of admission the foreign citizens to the faculties and preparatory department of the University
To study at the courses, it is necessary to send scanned copies of the following documents to the Center for Additional Professional Education of SSU:
1) completed application form for training courses;
2) copy of the passport translated into Russian and notarized;
3) 1 photo;
4) summary;
5) scanned copy of the international medical insurance with signature and seal;
6) motivation letter.
Enrollment in Russian language courses is carried out after signing the contract and paying the tuition bill, which guarantees the rights of the course participant to study, use the educational facilities, equipment, library, educational materials, sports and cultural complexes of the university and payment of the tuition bill.
The above documents must be sent at least 60 days before the start of the course to issue an official invitation required to obtain a student visa. The electronic invitation is sent to the email address specified in the application to the listener.

Organization of visa support and registration of foreign students
Organization of visa support
Upon making a decision on admission to study at SSU (at least 45 days before the start of the program), a confirmation of admission for the student is prepared and submitted to the International Cooperation Center to submit documents for an invitation:
· copy of the passport
· form of personal data
· training agreement
· copy of the international insurance policy
· 1 photo
The International Cooperation Center submits documents for receiving an invitation to the Migration Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar krai and, after a maximum of 30 days from the date of submission of the application, transmits the invitation for sending to the course participant.
After receiving an official electronic invitation, the student must apply to the Consular Department of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the country of permanent residence for a study visa.
In order to extend the visa, students must submit the following documents at least 30 days before the expiration of the visa to the International Cooperation Center to submit documents for visa extension:
· a copy of the passport
· a copy of the visa
· visa application form
· training agreement
· order of enrollment
· form of personal data
· receipt of payment of the state fee
· a copy of the international insurance policy
· 1 photo
Registration of international students
Upon arrival at the place of study, a foreign student must report to the SSU within a day for registration for the training program and submit the following documents to the International Cooperation Center for registration:
· migration card
· a copy of the migration card
· a copy of the visa
· 2 copies of the passport
· training/internship agreement
When extending a visa, it is necessary to repeat the registration procedure in the district Departments for Migration Issues within a maximum of 3 days.
Upon completion of the training, the student is obliged to notify the International Cooperation Center of the completion of studies and departure from the country.

Background information on training:
Center for Additional Professional Education
Address: Russian Federation, 354003, Sochi, Plastunskaya Street, 94, building No. 2, office 315, 316
Phone number: +7 (862) 268-09-39, +7(928) 852-29-08
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

World Youth Festival 2024

View the embedded image gallery online at:



World Youth Festival: let's start the future together!


The World Youth Festival invites you to become part of the largest international youth event to be held in Russia.

From March 1 to March 7, 2024, a rich and vivid program awaits participants on the Sirius federal territory. Further, the Festival will be supplemented by the regional program - from March 10 to March 17, 2024, the foreign participants will visit 30 cities of Russia. In total, 20,000 young leaders from Russia and abroad will take part in the World Youth Festival.

The World Youth Festival will be attended by leaders in business, media, education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering charity, sports and other various spheres of life, including 10,000 foreign participants.

Anyone aged 18 to 35, as well as teenagers aged 14 to 17, can apply for participation in the festival on the official website of the WYF-2024 https://reg.fest2024.com/en/main.

Registration for foreign participants will last until December 1, 2023.

The festival program is based on a set of universal values. The youth of the whole world is invited to reflect on them together and exchange ideas on how to build the future world on this basis. It includes not only discussions and lectures by eminent experts, but also an exhibition program, cultural exchange, sports competitions and joint training, volunteer actions and other interactive formats.

The Festival will not be limited to the main venue, the WYF will go beyond its borders and will attract active youth from all over the world who, for any reason, will not be able to join the WYF in Sirius. Young people from other countries will also be able to become part of the Festival online, and further interaction with them will be continued on a systematic basis.

The World Youth Festival is open to everyone, and everyone can become its part by submitting an application on the website www.fest2024.com as a participant or volunteer.

See you at World Youth Festival!




Address: 43, Chaikovskogo Street, Sochi, 354065

SSU offers students a comfortable, reasonably priced dormitory accommodation within easy travelling distance to the university by bus or foot. Rooms are fully furnished and have access to shared kitchen, laundry room and bathroom. SSU Dormitory provides clean, secure living environment and it is ideal for students who are new to Sochi.

Accommodation in the dormitory is provided primarily to the people enrolled in budget places for full-time education. Students enrolled in places within a special quota (orphans, children left without parental care, children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, etc.), as well as stateless persons in the Russian Federation and students sent by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the quota for education of foreign citizens have a priority right to receive a place in a hostel.

Сost of living in a hostel for international students is 2000 rubles per month.

Note for foreign citizens sent to study within the quota  of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation at Sochi State University

Faculty of social studies and pedagogics


Faculty of Social Studies and Pedagogics
Address: Office 201/1, 94 Plastunskaya St.,
Sochi, 354003, Telephone /fax: (862) 268-31-05
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Bachelor Programs




Advertising and Public Relations


Psychological and Pedagogical Education


Special (Defectological) Education


Pedagogical Education


Physical Training

Master Programs




Advertisement and Public Relations


Psychological and Pedagogical Education


Special (Defectological) Education


Pedagogical Education

Postgraduate Programs




Restorative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Balneology and Physiotherapy


General Psychology, Personality Psychology,

History of Psychology


Labour Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Cognitive Ergonomics


Pedagogical Psychology, Psychodiagnostics of Digital Educational Environments


General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education


Theory and Methodology of Sports


wellness and adaptive physical education


Methodology and Technology of Vocational Education


Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics




Faculty of Innovative, Engineering and Digital Technologies


Faculty of Innovative, Engineering and Digital Technologies

Address: Office 307, 7 Politekhnicheskaya St, Sochi, 354008, Telephone: (862) 253-08-25, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Faculty of Economics and Law

photo 2022-04-14 17-33-56

Faculty of Economics and Law
Address: Office 304/1,
94 Plastunskaya St.,
Sochi, 354003
Telephone: (862) 268-38-23
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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